Three quantization regimes for deep neural networks


Weigutian Ou, Philipp Schenkel, and Helmut Bölcskei


Constructive Approximation, May 2024, submitted.

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We establish the fundamental limits in the approximation of Lipschitz functions by deep ReLU neural networks with finite-precision weights. Specifically, three regimes, namely under-, over-, and proper quantization, in terms of minimax approximation error behavior as a function of network weight precision, are identified. This is accomplished by deriving nonasymptotic tight lower and upper bounds on the minimax approximation error. Notably, in the proper-quantization regime, neural networks exhibit memory-optimality in the approximation of Lipschitz functions. Deep networks have an inherent advantage over shallow networks in achieving memory-optimality. We also develop the notion of depth-precision tradeoff, showing that networks with high-precision weights can be converted into functionally equivalent deeper networks with low-precision weights, while preserving memory-optimality. This idea is reminiscent of sigma-delta analog-to-digital conversion, where oversampling rate is traded for resolution in the quantization of signal samples. We improve upon the best-known ReLU network approximation results for Lipschitz functions and describe a refinement of the bit extraction technique which could be of independent general interest.


Deep neural networks, approximation theory, Lipschitz functions, quantization, bit extraction

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