Advanced receiver algorithms for MIMO wireless communications


Andreas Burg, Moritz Borgmann, Markus Wenk, Christoph Studer, and Helmut Bölcskei


Proc. Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conf. (DATE), Vol. 1, pp. 593-598, Mar. 2006, (invited paper).

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We describe the VLSI implementation of MIMO detectors that exhibit close-to optimum error-rate performance, but still achieve high throughput at low silicon area. In particular, algorithms and VLSI architectures for sphere decoding (SD) and K-best detection are considered, and the corresponding trade-offs between uncoded error-rate performance, silicon area, and throughput are explored. We show that SD with a per-block run-time constraint is best suited for practical implementations.


MIMO, VLSI, sphere-decoding, K-best, run-time constraints

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Copyright Notice: © 2006 A. Burg, M. Borgmann, M. Wenk, C. Studer, and H. Bölcskei.

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