How different are UWB channels from conventional wideband channels?


Ulrich G. Schuster and Helmut Bölcskei


International Workshop on Convergent Technologies (IWCT), Oulu, Finland, June 2005, (invited paper).

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We present results of two indoor ultra-wideband (UWB) channel measurement campaigns in the 2GHz-5GHz frequency band, and use these results to assess the differences and commonalities between UWB channel models and commonly used indoor wideband channel models. We find that the small-scale fading distributions of the UWB channel impulse response taps can still be adequately modeled as complex Gaussian, with a mean component that depends on the measurement setting. The taps are correlated, although the (frequency) diversity order scales linearly with bandwidth. The power-delay profile typically contains several clusters.


Ultra-Wideband (UWB), channel modeling, Rayleigh distribution, Rice distribution, wideband fading channel, uncorrelated scattering (US)

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