Learning, Classification, and Compression

Dr. Erwin Riegler

Offered in:

Basic Information:

Lecture:Thursday, 12:15-14:00, HG E 33.5. The first lecture takes place on Thursday 27 Feb. 2025, 11:15-13:00, HG E 33.5.
Discussion session:  Thursday, 11:15-12:00, HG E 33.5. The first discussion session takes place on Thursday 27 Feb. 2025, 13:15-14:00.
Office hours: Friday, 14:15-15:00 via Zoom. The first office hour takes place on Friday 28 Feb. 2025, 14:15-15:00.
Zoom Links:The Zoom link for the office hours can be found at this page (access credentials are the same as for the lecture/exercise notes).
Instructor: Dr. Erwin Riegler
Lecture notes: Detailed lecture notes will be made available as we go along.
Prerequisites: This course is aimed at students with a solid background in measure theory and linear algebra and basic knowledge in functional analysis.
Credits: 4 ECTS credits.
Course structure: The class will be taught in English. There will be an oral exam of duration 30 minutes.

Course Information:

The focus of the course is aligned to a theoretical approach of learning theory and classification and an introduction to lossy and lossless compression for general sets and measures. We will mainly focus on a probabilistic approach, where an underlying distribution must be learned/compressed. The concepts acquired in the course are of broad and general interest in data sciences.

After attending this lecture and participating in the exercise sessions, students will have acquired a working knowledge of learning theory, classification, and compression.


We will post important announcements, links, and other information here in the course of the semester, so please check back often!

Content of the Course:


This course is aimed at students with a solid background in measure theory and linear algebra and basic knowledge in functional analysis.

Lecture Notes and problems+solutions:

Problem sets and solutions

There will be several problem sets for this course, which will help you better understand the lectures and prepare you for the exam (See download link Problems + Solutions above). The following problem will be discussed in the discussion session:

Discussion Session:Problem:
27.02.2025Problem 1
06.03.2025Problem 2
13.03.2025Problem 3
20.03.2025Problem 4
27.03.2025Problem 5
03.04.2025Problem 6
10.04.2025Problem 7
17.04.2025Problem 8
08.05.2025Problem 9
15.05.2025Problem 10
22.05.2025Problem 11

Previous years' exams and solutions

Summer Exam 2021: Problems Solutions Handout
Summer Exam 2022: Problems Solutions Handout
Summer Exam 2023: Problems Solutions Handout